What Your Element in Chinese Medicine Says About Your Love Style

Oh Love!  It’s near Valentine’s Day, and I have it on my mind! It is the most beautiful, exhilarating, terrifying, painful and worthwhile thing in the world!  As an acupuncture physician who loves 5 Element Acupuncture, Classical Chinese Medicine, and Love, I wanted to share how I think about love from a Chinese Medicine Point of view. 

In Chinese Medicine, there is an organ called the Pericardium, and it is responsible for surrounding and protecting the heart. The heart is the source of connection, passion, and interest and it is the job of the Pericardium to determine if something or someone is worthy and safe to be embraced by the warmth of the heart.  I think of the Pericardium as being supple and intelligent, but also fragile.  Constitutional factors and past experiences can stimulate or block the blood and qi/energy flow in this organ and influence how supple and easy it is for the Pericardium to assess what is safe, smart and appropriate to open up to. For interest, passion and intimacy to happen, the Pericardium needs to be functioning properly.  

There is a whole branch in East Asian Medicine, called 5 Element Acupuncture, specifically concerned with looking at your psychological state as an indication of how energy is moving through your body. It is a beautiful system in which the mind and body are completely intertwined, and by observing one, you have an idea about the other. Emotions and behaviors are manifestations of movements of Qi/Energy. Our early childhood/powerful experiences and our constitution predispose us to view and interact in the world through a particular lens- a combination of the elements of Wood, Fire, Earth, Metal, and Water.  We each are composed of all of them, but we usually have 1 that is more pronounced than the others, and we call that our Constitutional Factor.  Working with an acupuncturist who is knowledgeable about this system is very helpful in helping us learn more deeply about ourselves and how to have a more balanced, healthy life.

Romantic relationships are not so simple because they involve 2 people (unless you’re poly and then it’s more complicated) with their own elemental strengths and weaknesses.   Certain elemental relationships are easily compatible, while others can have more challenges.  For example, a fire/ earth couple or a water/wood can be very compatible.  One element supports and generates the other.  However, a metal/wood couple or an earth/water couple might have drives that are antagonistic to the other.  Remember that each person is a combination of all of the elements and not purely their Constitutional Factor, so before you diagnose your partner and deem your relationship as doomed,  consult a 5 Element specialist, like Coco Jonquil A.P. or Maria Cordero A.P. at Peace and Health Acupuncture.

I love it when partners come in together for these balancing treatments- the treatment and self knowledge that develops can be transformative for the individuals and the couple. Through working with the acupuncturist to balance elemental strengths and weaknesses, partners are physically and mentally healthier and not as motivated by their neuroses/imbalances. They have fewer relationship complications.  They develop awareness of their own strengths and weaknesses and those of their partners.  When one partner is imbalanced, the other is less reactive and can respond with tenderness and compassion.  Safety and trust between balanced partners grows, which allows the Pericardium to receive more blood and qi/energy so it can open and allow for a deep heart connection and deeper intimacy in a relationship.

This Valentine’s Day, Peace and Health Acupuncture is offering a special Love Package!  In 4 sessions over a month, we will explore your Elemental Constitutional Factor, how this relates to how you want to express and be loved, and your strengths and weaknesses in relationships.  We will use acupuncture and herbs to correct any imbalances.  You will finish the sessions with an internal sense of stability and self-knowledge to approach love with an open heart!

Love Package includes 4 acupuncture sessions and an herbal formula over the course of a month.  We encourage you to do this either as self work, or together as a couple!

Unveiling Peace and Health Acupuncture at Oasis Fit

Hello Oasis Fit Community! Excitement is in the air as we proudly introduce our newest wellness haven, Peace and Health Acupuncture, a sanctuary dedicated to promoting holistic health, balance, and vitality. I am thrilled to extend my services within the Oasis Fit community. Our missions align so beautifully!  Joining me in this venture is my esteemed colleague and personal acupuncture physician, Kefira Baron A.P. Together, we are committed to bringing a unique blend of expertise and compassion to enhance your well-being.

Peace and Health Acupuncture specializes in Orthopedic Acupuncture as well as Women’s Health.

Orthopedic Acupuncture Expertise: We understand the dedication you put into your fitness routines, and sometimes, injuries can sideline you. Fear not! Our specialization in orthopedic acupuncture allows us to excel in relieving pain and promoting swift healing, ensuring you can return to your favorite fitness classes with renewed vigor.

Women’s Health Services: From menstrual pain to fertility concerns, IVF and ART support, pregnancy and postpartum care, to peri/menopausal challenges—our practice is tailored to meet the unique needs of women at every stage of life. Your well-being is our top priority, and we’re here to support you on your health journey.

Free Consultations: Curious about how acupuncture and herbalism can benefit you? We invite you to schedule a free consultation. Come chat with us, ask questions, and discover the transformative power of traditional Chinese medicine.

Meet Our Team: Coco Jonquil A.P. and Kefira Baron A.P.

Coco Jonquil A.P., Dipl.O.M.: 


Beverly Coco Jonquil  has been a licensed acupuncturist and herbalist since 2011. The pleasure and challenge of her work is seeing through the apparent problem to treat the underlying cause, which allows multiple symptom complexes to resolve at once. Her toolbox includes Five Elements, Japanese Acupuncture, Orthopedic Acupuncture, TCM, Customized Herbal Medicine, Qi gong and Food Therapy.  Though she specializes in Orthopedic Acupuncture and East Asian Medicine for holistic Women’s health, she has helped thousands of clients with various conditions.

Kefira Baron A.P.:

Kefira Baron is an acupuncture physician, NSEV certified, and board certified herbalist practicing in South Florida. Kefira teaches Traditional Chinese Medicine and herbology at Everglades University. She holds an MA in Oriental Medicine from the Atlantic Institute of Oriental Medicine. She also holds BAs in Health Sciences, Psychology and Political Science. With her multidisciplinary background, Kefira uses dynamic approaches for her treatments. Her particular clinical strengths are anxiety, addiction and psycho-emotional challenges. Kefira has clinical experience in a variety of settings, including integrated clinics, private practice and detox facilities. Additionally, she founded the acupuncture program at Sylvia Brafman Mental Health Center. Outside of practice she enjoys going on hikes and making art.

Thank you, Oasis Fit, for welcoming us into your vibrant community. We can’t wait to be a part of your wellness journey! Schedule your free consultation today and let’s explore the boundless possibilities that await you on the path to optimal well-being.

In Peace and Health,

Coco Jonquil A.P., Dipl.O.M.

Peace & Health Acupuncture

How Do I Feel Today?

By: Nathalie Akinin | 8 MAGA

How many times do we ask ourselves that question? And how often do we respond with vulnerability?

Let me give you an example of how we answer without thinking: When we encounter someone early in the morning and they ask us, “Good morning, how are you?” Without hesitation, we mechanically respond, “Fine, thank you.” Even though sometimes it’s not true, that response is automatic and lacks genuine feelings.

The question in our post, “How do I feel today,” is much deeper than we think. We fill our lives with numerous activities to keep our minds occupied, and we don’t take the time to internalize how we feel emotionally. We end up giving “false” answers so that others don’t see our vulnerability, and we hide behind our masks.

The idea is not to perform a self-analysis or attempt to reconstruct everything in a day. However, we must start looking within ourselves with a new awareness, using internal questions that can help us understand what we want, where we want to go, and how we currently feel, among other things.

Asking yourself truthfully and responding truthfully will assist you in being more assertive and real when it comes to taking action and making a change.

Here’s an example: If you ask yourself, “How am I?” and your response is “bad, sad, okay, confused, stressed, upset, or I don’t know how I feel,” you should accompany these answers with the following questions:

  • Why do I feel this way?
  • What do I feel with this emotion?
  • What can I do to change it?
  • Is this feeling really true?
  • Am I truly a victim?

Once you answer and understand your position regarding these thoughts, you can ask yourself the following questions again:

  • Can it be resolved?
  • Is it really mine?
  • Can I do something about it?
  • Is it my responsibility to get involved and take action, or is it not my concern?

Questions like “How do you feel?” will provide us with a more accurate view. By recognizing the origin of your emotion, you can gauge the degree and level of how you feel, enabling you to have a clearer understanding of your feelings and empowering you to take more responsibility.

From now on, when you ask yourself, “How do I feel today?” respond with honesty. You could even add an affirmation to your response to make it more powerful:

“…better because I am utilizing my new talent, my newfound composure, with a positive attitude…”

What do you think? Are you willing to make that change from now on? I would greatly appreciate your comment and hearing your thoughts on this new way of responding. Will you think twice when someone approaches you?

Don’t hide your feelings; they are all important for your maturity and emotional growth.

Affirmations are important, but if we merely recite them without exploring and delving deeper, we won’t truly understand what we genuinely feel. As a coach, the first thing I work on is teaching people to identify and recognize their emotions through powerful questions. By acknowledging and shifting their perspective with responsibility and honesty, individuals enter a new level of consciousness and alignment, combined with a positive attitude. Starting this new habit for 21 days strengthens and ingrains it into your system, preparing you for future emotional processes.

To gain further insight into enhancing your emotional well-being, schedule a complimentary consultation with Nathalie Akinin at Oasis Spa.

Discover How Hormone Therapy Can Help Improve Your Overall Health And Wellness.

NuLife Institute at Oasis Spa

By Dr. Luis Dominguez 

Hormone Therapy Center Miami FL

Mental health and well-being are crucial to our overall health and quality of life. However, ignoring our mental health can have serious consequences, leading to a range of physical and emotional problems, so it’s more important than ever to prioritize our mental health and well-being and encourage others to do the same.

hormone therapy center can help address various concerns, including issues with mental health. In this blog post, we’ll explore why mental health is so important, what we can do to maintain good mental health, and how to support those around us struggling.

Whether you’re dealing with mental health challenges yourself or simply want to know how hormone therapy can positively impact mental health, this post is for you.

Hormones significantly impact mental health, affecting mood, emotions, and behavior. Imbalances or disruptions in hormone levels can contribute to mental health conditions such as anxiety and depression. Hormonal changes during puberty, pregnancy, and menopause can also influence mental health and well-being.

What Is Hormone Therapy?

Hormone therapy is a type of medical treatment that involves using hormones to treat various medical conditions or symptoms. Hormones are chemicals produced by the endocrine glands that regulate many bodily functions, including growth and development, metabolism, and reproductive processes.

Hormone treatments can treat various conditions, including hormonal imbalances, menopause symptoms, or certain types of cancer. In some cases, may involve the use of natural hormones, while in other cases, synthetic hormones may be utilized.

In fact, a study has shown that “women who started therapy within five years of menopause had a 30% reduced risk of Alzheimer’s disease”.

7 Positive Impacts Of Hormone Therapy On Mental Health And Well-Being

  1. Improved mood and decreased symptoms of depression and anxiety: particularly estrogen therapy, has been shown to improve mood and reduce symptoms of depression and anxiety in both menopausal and transgender individuals.This is likely due to hormones’ role in regulating mood and emotional well-being.
  2. Increased self-esteem and overall quality of life: Can improve self-esteem and overall quality of life in both men and women.For menopausal women, can alleviate physical symptoms such as hot flashes and night sweats, which can improve one’s overall well-being.
  3. Reduced irritability and emotional instability: Can help regulate mood and reduce irritability, mood swings, and emotional instability. This is particularly true for menopausal women, who may experience these symptoms due to fluctuations in hormone levels.
  4. Improved cognitive function, such as memory and concentration: Hormones play a role in cognitive function, and can improve memory and concentration in both menopausal and aging men.Testosterone has been linked to mood and cognitive function, and men with low testosterone levels may experience symptoms such as depression, irritability, and cognitive impairment.
  5. Reduced insomnia and improved sleep quality: Can improve sleep quality and reduce insomnia in menopausal women, who may experience sleep disturbances due to fluctuations in hormone levels.
  6. Reduced symptoms of gender dysphoria in transgender individuals: Can alleviate symptoms of gender dysphoria in transgender individuals by helping them align their physical appearance with their gender identity.
  7. Reduced risk of developing dementia in menopausal women who start hormone therapy before the age of 60: Hormone therapy has been shown to reduce the risk of developing dementia in menopausal women who start therapy before age 60.This is likely due to hormones’ role in brain health and cognitive function.

Types Of Therapies

There are several types of hormone therapies available for men and women, including:

  • Hormone Replacement Therapy For Men
  • Testosterone Replacement Therapy
  • Human Growth Hormone – Hgh Therapy For Men
  • Bioidentical Hormones For Women
  • Growth Hormone Therapy For Women

Do You Need Hormone Therapy?

Hormone therapy is a medical treatment used to modify the levels of hormones in the body, and it can be used for various conditions in both men and women. Here are some examples of people who may need hormone therapy:

  • Women with menopausal symptoms: This therapy is sometimes used to treat symptoms of menopause, such as hot flashes, vaginal dryness, and mood changes. Hormone therapy may involve estrogen alone or a combination of estrogen and progesterone.
  • Individuals with thyroid conditions: May be used to treat thyroid conditions, such as hypothyroidism or hyperthyroidism, by supplementing or suppressing the levels of thyroid hormones in the body.
  • Aging men with low testosterone levels: Testosterone levels naturally decline with age, and some men may experience low testosterone symptoms as they age. These symptoms may include decreased energy, reduced muscle mass and strength, and decreased libido.Testosterone replacement therapy may be used to supplement testosterone levels in aging men with low levels of this hormone.

Head to The Best Hormone Therapy Center in Hallandale Beach.

Hormone Therapy Center Miami FL

It’s important to note that hormone therapy may not suit everyone with these conditions. The decision to use it should be made in consultation with an expert.

The potential benefits and risks of hormone therapy should be carefully considered for each individual, considering factors such as age, overall health, and other medical conditions.

NuLife Institute’s team at Oasis Spa of experienced healthcare professionals is dedicated to helping you achieve optimal hormone balance and overall wellness. We can help you feel your best and live life to the fullest with various treatment options tailored to your specific needs.

To schedule a consultation, call us at (954) 890-1000 or visit our website to learn more about our services. Take the first step towards a healthier, happier you at Oasis Spa.

The Magic of Being a Woman by 8 Maga

holistic healing

Being a woman means being connected with mother earth, that same mother who nourishes us; It implies wisdom, love, and strength.

All women in the world should feel privileged and proud since the universe has allowed us to demonstrate our courage, strength, and magic on a daily basis.

As givers of life, nature itself has rewarded us with the gift of giving life, of being intuitive, captivating, and above all, of being entities of unconditional love.

In the circle of women, we seek to exalt the fact of being a woman; It is a group where we share and learn from the empowerment and light that we all have inside and radiate outwards. The mission of this group is to support us so we can get where we want to go, and feel confident, free, in soul and spirit.

In this space, you will also get to know other women who have great stories to tell, contribute and teach.

Go ahead and participate in this month of March, where International Women’s Day is commemorated at Oasis Fit.

At 8 Maga at Oasis Fit, in addition to providing holistic services, we also focus on giving visibility and support to all the women that make up our network. In the same way, we want today’s woman to feel safe, satisfied, capable, and with great strength; that same strength that is reflected in her daily actions and roles, such as: being a mother, daughter, friend, wife, grandmother… etc.

Let us commemorate the fact of continuing to grow, of continuing to conquer, with our presence, everything we have achieved over the years.

You are not alone, together we can be unstoppable.

To all the women of the world, I embrace you and shelter you with a cloak of lilac-colored light, protecting you with every step you take, full of light and love.

Let’s keep believing and creating a place where our daughters and granddaughters can feel they belong, safe, and deserving; where they can be free in spirit, feel loved, and above all, respected.

We are not looking for any leading role, we were born protagonists and authentic of our own history, that which with each passing day, we write in the daily life of our memories, from the heart, from our lives.

Thinking this way, it will be necessary and valuable work that we must do every day of our lives. Our rights must prevail, and our actions must have the support of women; that support that at times we lacked, but now we know it is so necessary to maintain and promote our power.

Let us rejoice in the positive, in the divine, in those souls who have been an example of overcoming for all, let us always continue towards the infinity of our dreams, which is not only a job during the month of women, but that we echo every day and let us remember that we are important, powerful, valuable, free, authentic for all eternity.

 Let’s do it in honor of our ancestors, in the name of all the women of the world, so that their names are memorable for all eternity.


The uses, safety, and efficacy of Bioidentical Hormone therapy.

By Dr. Luis Dominguez In Regenerative Medicine Therapy, Women’s Health

Understanding The Truth About Bioidentical Hormones

If you are looking for hormone replacement therapy (HRT) in Hallandale Beach, you may wonder, is it better than typical hormones? The answer is yes!

It is the preferred method of prescribing hormone replacement therapy for women. Yet there are still a lot of myths and misconceptions about bioidentical hormones.

First, let’s understand a little bit more about hormones. Hormones are your body’s chemical messengers. They are made mainly by the glands of your endocrine system. Hormones influence, control, or regulate just about every biological process in your body.

“Here are many different kinds of hormones, but the ones you are most familiar with are probably the sex hormones, testosterone in men and estrogen and progesterone in women.

Impact Of Female Hormones Fluctuation On Women

You most likely are familiar with these hormones – particularly women – because these are the ones that can cause issues when they are low or out of balance.

Women, in particular, are well aware of how fluctuations in their female hormones impact moods and physical health during regular menstrual cycles.

Women become even more accurately aware of the effects of hormone imbalances as they approach and enter menopause. As women get close to the end of the childbearing years, estrogen levels drop significantly, which can lead to a glut of unpleasant symptoms.

Hormone replacement therapy has been the treatment of choice for women to relieve the most debilitating symptoms of menopause, such as the all-too-familiar hot flashes, night sweats, sexual health issues, and mood swings.

Over the past few decades, hormone replacement therapy, or HRT for women, has become somewhat controversial. But women need to understand that the introduction of these hormones has cleared up many of those previous concerns.

Bioidentical Hormones Vs. Synthetic Hormones

So, what exactly are bioidentical hormones? It is a complete duplicate of the naturally occurring hormones produced by your body. As opposed to synthetic hormones, it has the same molecular structure as the hormones produced by your body.

Which means they are used and absorbed much more quickly than synthetic hormones. Since hormones — in the case of bioidentical estrogens, for example — are exact duplicates of the hormones a woman’s ovaries would make, they offer more effective symptom relief than synthetic hormones with fewer risks and side effects.

It is all-natural and derived from plant sources. Estrogen, progesterone, and testosterone are the most commonly used hormones. There is a common misconception that the FDA does not approve bioidentical therapy. This is not the case.

What Every Woman Needs To Know About Bioidentical Hormones

For women, bioidentical hormone therapy is the most effective treatment option for relieving the typical symptoms of perimenopause and menopause in women. They also need to understand that bioidentical hormone replacement doesn’t only have benefits just before, during, and post-menopause. Hormone imbalances can happen at any time in your life.

Whenever they do, bioidentical hormones are the safest and most effective treatment to bring you back to an even keel and optimal health.

That is why at NuLife Institute at Oasis Spa, we design our bioidentical hormone treatment programs for women to optimize the levels of all of the critical hormones and not just those typically lost at menopause.

You may need testosterone therapy, HGH therapy, or both depending on your symptoms.

At NuLife Institute, we realize that not all patients experiencing age-related hormone decline are the same.

Unlike some other facilities, we never take a cookie-cutter approach to hormone replacement but tailor your program to your unique needs, goals, and lifestyle.

Our medical director, Dr. Luis Dominguez, has used his unique, customized approach to help thousands of patients reverse the clock on aging and enjoy a whole new lease on life. Dr. Luis Dominguez has applied his inquisitive mind and passion for evidence-based Integrative Medicine to focus on utilizing a whole-body approach that provides life-changing results.

If you would like to learn a little bit more about the many life-changing benefits of bioidentical hormones, Contact us today at (954) 890-1000, or follow this link for a complimentary consultation with our hormone specialists to help you live your life to the fullest!